Build Steps Example

How to add build step information to your model using OpenSDraw.

Step 1

Import the ldu conversion library.

(import ldu :local)

Step 2

Create the .lcad file.

(for (i 20)
 (rotate (list 0 (* i (/ 360.0 20)) 0)
  (translate (list (bw 6.3) (if (= (% i 2) 0) 0 (bw 1)) 0)
   (part "32523" 14 i)))

 (rotate (list 0 (+ (* i (/ 360.0 20)) (* 0.5 (/ 360.0 20))) 0)
  (translate (list (bw 6.4) (bw 0.5) 0)
   (rotate (list 0 0 90)
    (part "3673" "black" i)))))


The part() function takes an optional third argument which is the build step number.


The step number does not have to be an integer, floating point numbers are also ok. Steps are ordered using the Python sorted() function.


We don’t use the locate library functions sbs() or tbs() because we want to translate first, then rotate.

Step 3

Convert the .lcad file to a .mpd file using

cd opensdraw/opensdraw/examples
python ../scripts/ steps.lcad

Step 4

Load the .mpd file with your favorite viewer (LDView renderings shown here).


Step 8


Step 20


The complete code is in the examples folder (steps.lcad).


There is also a global step-offset symbol, see examples/auto-step.lcad for an example of how to use this.